
Blessed Are The Peacemakers

May 12, 2024 • Mike Frie


Hey Everyone, Pastor Mike here. In this message at the 50:52 mark, I began to share some things that were intended to help men and women in their marriages. I did a poor job of communicating who I was speaking to, so it could be construed that I was including men being "married" to other men. That was not what I was trying to communicate. I apologize for any confusion. 

Here is a clarifying statement from our website on the subject:

About Marriage and Sexuality:

We affirm chastity for Christian single men and women, fidelity for Christian married men and women, and the sacredness of Christian marriage. We define marriage as a union between one born a man and one born a woman and that romantic and sexual contact between the same sex is sinful (Exodus 20:14, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). This ministry will not perform same sex marriages or unions, as this is not permitted by God's Holy Word. God does not sanctify these and neither does this ministry.

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