Thanksgiving 2018 Prophecy to America and to the Church
Date: November 18, 2018
Subject: Elijah Judgment – Thanksgiving – Where is MY thanks and honor America?
Re: Day of the Lord ~ Week of the Lord ~ City of Angels ~ LA, AC-323
My messenger, say to this rebellious nation known as the United States of America, “Rain-ier day #323 countdown, Israel’s 9/11 ~ Count 1-2-3 to America’s Thanksgiving [Rainier is 14/41 = 55], and 4 to Black Friday.” Thus saith the Lord. “America, your Thanksgiving day, November 22, 2018, marks the 55th anniversary of tragedy for your nation, and the 55 years since you determined that your children no longer needed me in their schools, in their lives; how has that worked out for you? As a nation, one critical area you have become unified in, and that is an outright rebellion against ME, My word, My Son.” Thus saith the Lord
“For three years now, I have announced through My messenger 42, judgment warnings with dates and events, even locations, and I have delivered to you one tragic event after another of impending judgment against you as a nation, yet you harden your hearts toward me and become more wicked day by day, causing even those of Sodom and Gomorrah to blush, but you do not blush. Whether I send to you the hurricanes, the fires, the volcanos or unleash the Destroyer against you, you blame “global warming” or guns, thinking that YOU can stop this, but you refuse to turn to me. Even the church denies my warning signs to you as if I have changed, all of you except a remnant, refuse to get on your knees, humble yourselves and turn back to me. You as a people take My Grace and patience for granted, your hearts have become stone, you remember that I am “slow to anger” and think that gives you all the time you want. No America, there is a day and time that my anger boils over, that I will pour out My wrath against the wicked, it is a Day of the Lord, and I choose that day, when, how and where, not you, and that day now comes.” Thus saith the Lord
“My messenger wrote to you regarding 8/26/18 -Jacksonville, FL shooting, Elijah judgement coming, 2-killed, 11-injured, 2/11 for day #42-Elijah day in the prophetic warnings of your new coming 9/11, Victim name Elijah, barrel of the Destroyer’s gun (Exodus 12:23 – God’s 357-Florida) is I-10 with it ending in the City of Angels, area code 323 -the Rain-ier day, the Rain-man, count 1-2-3, 88 days from 8/26/18, 88 MPH is Back to the Future. I gave you through My Messenger 42 that date, “10/21/15”, 3 years ago, the Back to the Future date as the “Center of Events” for America and told you Wall Street and financial markets will now collapse, the impending new 9/11 like event that will bring America to its knees because you yourself have refused to do it on your own and repent of your wicked ways. I gave you through My Messenger 42 the vision of your new 9/11 coming if you would not repent, with signs and wonders, yet you are blinded to them all. I even gave you as I promised the prophetic #254 for the 9/11 vision on the date I said I would on 2/11/16, day #42 again with your stock market that day falling 254 pts, none of these events that I have brought upon you have moved you toward me, you move further and further from ME. ” Thus saith the Lord
“America, and the church – “The Church”, you thought you could increase your wicked sexual immorality without restraint, not only to not blush, but you wave it in My face with PRIDE with My covenant sign of promise not to destroy you again with water, you think that is a joke and that I am laughing, no America, now it will be FIRE. You thought you could take me from your children and that it would go well with them, remember America-you took me out of their schools. You thought you could make it a “Good Legal Choice” to murder MY children, that it is “Your Right”, that Nazi Germany killing 6 million of my people brought My wrath and destruction, and yet you America, could murder over 60 million of My children in less than 45 years and that I would be OKAY with that.
And to “The Church” and the false apostles, false prophets who I have not sent, and to the false teachers, you tell my flock that I have changed, that I no longer judge the wicked, you think that You know the day and hour I will come with judgment against the wicked and that I DO NOT STRIKE the wicked and unrepentant. Hello, read Leviticus chapter 26, it is I who Strike, it is I who have been striking you, not that old rebellious serpent whom you have chosen to follow rather than me, when has that ever worked out well for you man.
You think the blood of My Son was cheap, and that you can do whatever you like without consequence, that it is just a free ride with no responsibility for you My church? You ask for the FIRE of the Holy Spirit, you pray for it for years now, but your hearts are not right with me, you thought you could do it “your way” and I would be okay with that, you thought that I had become like you. You asked for a “Camp Fire”, you thought it would be warm and fuzzy, another Pentecost in your minds, ask Ananias and Sapphira what the FIRE of the Holy Spirit is like for the wicked. Have I not told you of Elijah judgment coming, the Rain-ier man “Camp Fire” – Mt. Rainier – “Paradise”. You just don’t get it do you, you think My Messenger 42 is a joke and that these are his words and not My words. Well America and The Church, it is I the Lord God Almighty who choose whom I will send to you, Not YOU, deal with it. I now bring my Messenger 42 out of the wilderness where I have kept him the past few years. And to all you sons of the devil who will turn on My messenger as though these are his words here and not mine, or that you can shut him up and that can stop ME, be forewarned, have I not shown you in the past how that turns out, have I not written to you in Revelation what will happen to you, if you like FIRE-come and get it then.” Thus saith the Lord
“America, here it is; I have given you all the warnings with all of the signs, time is up for warnings. I gave you the Fire of the Holy Spirit on 4/9/1906 – the City of Angels, it should be Holy Wood, but look what you have turned it into, Sodom and Gomorrah would blush. I poured out My FIRE in Jerusalem to birth the church, and yet what happened to Jerusalem 37 years later in 70 AD (Luke 19:41-44). Do you think that the City of Angels is better than Jerusalem – the center of all nations, do you think America is more favored than Israel? I am the GOD of Israel, I told you on count 1-2-3 days from Elijah’s day of 2/11/18 to 2/14/18, Mark on their foreheads (Ezekiel 9:11), ask the Sherriff. I told you Israel’s 9/11 would be America’s new 9/11 back in July 2018, count 1-2-3. Messenger 42 website is introduced to the world on 11/19/18 with this prophetic warning from ME, the Lord God Almighty, through My Messenger 42 who I send to you like Elijah. This day 11/19/2018 is day #323 for the Rain-ier man sign, it is Hebrew date 9-11-5779, count 1-2-3, X-Marks the spot – the City of Angels. Church, I am coming to “Clean House” with the FIRE of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 19:45-46) I the Lord send to you My messenger with validations repeatedly (Duet 18:18-22) yet you have ignored him (Acts 3:22-23). I the Lord God Almighty am No longer Silent” Thus saith the Lord. Psalm 83:1
America and the church, remember one thing, GOD is Not political, He is just CORRECT. So that being said, most of you will find His words to our nation and church very offensive, God’s written word is very offensive to those that rebel against Him, it has always been that way. Jesus said, “And blessed is the one who is not offended by me” (Luke 7:23).
Not only will those of the world be outraged by God’s words here, but much of the church body will be angered as well, they have been for the past 3 years of these prophetic warnings from God, despite the fact that He has repeatedly fulfilled the prophetic warnings given with signs and wonders over and over again, and that they align with His written word. However much of the church has come up with “its own interpretation” of God’s word and they have refused God’s written and prophetic word with the signs and wonders fulfilled, that is dangerous.
There is a remnant in the body of Christ that remains holy and pure of heart in America, to them these words are a promise of Hope (Rev. 3:7-13) Many references in these words from God may be confusing to many of you as they build on the past 29 prophetic messages given over the past 3 years. All of these past words are available on website in PDF scanned form, and I am working quickly to re-type all of them day by day to post on this website for clarity and reference. I do not apologize for anything in God’s word and what He has and continues to say prophetically, and this puts me at odds with much of what is spoken “prophetically” in the church today, but it is those who call themselves prophets and apostles and are not, that are at odds with God, not me. I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is Him alone that I serve.
In Christ’s service,
Brian Arbo
Messenger 42