
Healthy Church

July 3, 2022 • Ephesians

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. But few are willing to work hard at what it takes to achieve health. And…whose definition of healthy are we working with?! Churches and Christians need to make God’s definition of health their focus. This week we go beyond unity and into a necessary reality of God’s definition of spiritual body health. If we want to take spiritual ground, we each have a part to play!

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.

1. Does God desire every church to be healthy? What is God’s definition of “mature?”
2. What are the 6 types of gifts that God gives to His people? How is Jesus involved?
3. What is “ministry?” How does a Christian leader “equip” people to do God’s work/ministry?
4. Why does it matter that everyone fulfills their assignment? What are three ways to do “my part?”
5. PRAYER: “Father, give me the motivation to step into my gifts so my church can make a difference!”

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