
Healthy Church

July 3, 2022 • Ephesians

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. But few are willing to work hard at what it takes to achieve health. And…whose definition of healthy are we working with?! Churches and Christians need to make God’s definition of health their focus. This week we go beyond unity and into a necessary reality of God’s definition of spiritual body health. If we want to take spiritual ground, we each have a part to play!

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.

1. Does God desire every church to be healthy? What is God’s definition of “mature?”
2. What are the 6 types of gifts that God gives to His people? How is Jesus involved?
3. What is “ministry?” How does a Christian leader “equip” people to do God’s work/ministry?
4. Why does it matter that everyone fulfills their assignment? What are three ways to do “my part?”
5. PRAYER: “Father, give me the motivation to step into my gifts so my church can make a difference!”

More from Ephesians

How to Lose a Spiritual Fight

July 31, 2022 • Ephesians 6

Nobody loves war. The consequences are devastating, but the consequences of losing a war are even more catastrophic. Whether we like it or not, we have been living in a spiritual war zone since the Garden of Eden. But choosing to ignore it or fight in our own strength puts us in danger and those we love, who stand behind us. While Jesus has already won the ultimate victory on the cross, spiritual battles still rage. God is calling us to take ground. TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 1. Do I believe in the Devil & demons? Why or why not? Am I open to the spiritual nature of reality? 2. Where have a sensed a spiritual battle in my life? Why is it so important to fight in God’s strength? 3. What do the spiritual armor pieces represent? Why are each important in the spiritual fight I am in? 4. How does God’s Word and prayer help us to bring an offense to the spiritual battles we face? 5. PRAYER: “Father, help us to fight our spiritual battles in your strength!”

Breakthrough Relationships

July 24, 2022 • Ephesians 5:21–33, Ephesians 6:1–9

The greatest wounds we carry are the wounds from the people closest to us. We’ve all heard it said, “Hurt people, hurt people.” But God’s Word can bring the breakthrough to break the cycle of dysfunctional relationships in our lives! God wants to transform our relationships. The way we treat our spouses, our kids, and those we work with must now reflect our relationship with Jesus. We need to find a new filament! TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 1. Do I have any dysfunctional relationships? What makes them dysfunctional? 2. Which area do I need a relational breakthrough: marriage, parenting, or work place? 3. What do I need to change to bring health back to that relationship? What is my responsibility? 4. What does reverence toward Christ have to do with any of this? How does this change my perspective? 5. PRAYER: “Father, help me to revere you so much ALL my relationships are transformed!”

Living in the Light

July 17, 2022 • Ephesians 5:1–20, John 8:12

Light is an important element of life. Plants, animals, and humans all depend on light for survival. More specifically, it provides the ability to see where we are going and guides us on our path. Spiritually, no greater metaphor could be applied to the Christian church and to followers of Jesus. We have the unique calling of serving our community by reflecting the light of Christ. But, when we live in darkness…we provide no light. How can we provide light to our community?