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January 7, 2024 • Jordan Hansen • John 14:1–17

With a new year brings the inevitability of change. Change is a word we don’t like because many of us are not all that excited for change. And yet, the Christian life is all about change. In a passage in the book of John, Jesus foreshadows that He will not always be with them but promises that this change will be good for them because of Who will come in His place to Help them. If we can lean into this promise this year, we will be able to receive the help we need to navigate the future God is leading us to embrace!

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 

1. How has God used change to change me throughout the course of my life? Negative or positive?

2. How does God help us navigate change, and what assurance does Jesus provide to his disciples about their future?

3. Consider the various ways the Holy Spirit helps believers, as listed in the sermon (e.g., Convicter of Sin, Baptizer into the Body of Christ, Sealer/Assurer of Salvation). Which of these roles resonate with you personally, and why?

4. Are there areas in your life where pride, stubbornness, callousness, doubt, busyness, unforgiveness, or self-centeredness hindering from the Holy Spirit’s help?

5. PRAYER: “Father, help me to to be OPEN to your help. Change my heart!”