
It's Game Time

Father's Day 2022

June 19, 2022 • Pete Campbell • Hosea 10:12, Galatians 6:7–8, Luke 6:42, Proverbs 18, Luke 6:47–49

It's the big game and everyone has gathered in the stands. The team is in the huddle and you hear the ref's whistle blow. The coach asks, "What time is it?" and the team responds, "it's Game Time!" Check out this message to hear the truth from God's word on ways we can make the most out of the Game of Life!

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.

1. In the message today, we heard that God’s blessing doesn’t rest on your (fill in the blank), it rests on You. What have you seen being in that blank?

2. How has these past couple of years challenged you when it comes to your passion & purpose?

3. Community starts with us… What intentional things can you do to invest in community?

4. What do you find that gives you life on your day off & what do you find pulls you away from really resting?

5. What things can you do this week to invest in yourself & in your team?