
Prioritize God FIRST!

The Ten Commandments

September 3, 2023 • Jordan Hansen • Mark 12:29–31, Exodus 20:1–3, Galatians 5:1, Psalm 1:1–3, John 14:15

The Ten Commandments emerge at a pivotal moment in the Israelites' journey from slavery in Egypt to the promised land. God had set them free and He now desires that they LIVE FREE. These divine laws, given on Mount Sinai, represent God's expectations for a covenantal relationship with this newly formed nation and provide a moral and ethical foundation for a just and faithful society. God’s people must live as representations of God!

If we want to live out the famous commands of Jesus to “Love God and love people, we better pay attention to the principles behind these commandments! Because, even though Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of perfect obedience to the expectations of God, we are still expected to LIVE FREE after He saves us! That is why these commandments were WRITTEN IN STONE. So lets hide God’s Word in our hearts and meditate on their Truth.

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 

1. What kind of rules are important in my closest relationships? Why are rules important?

2. Why is it important to understand the context of “The Exodus” to understand how these moral laws still influence our lives today? How do they relate to the the most important laws according to Jesus?

3. In what ways does legalism come into play when discussing the 613 laws in the Bible, and what is the importance of understanding the purposes of Prose Discourse/Law/Commandments?

4. How does prioritizing God by pursuing Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength manifest in our daily lives, and what are some practical examples of this prioritization in action?

5. PRAYER: “Father, help us to see the beauty of your Law so we can live free!”