
Honor My Parents

October 1, 2023 • Jordan Hansen • Exodus 20:12, Matthew 13:53–58, Ephesians 6:1, Exodus 20:1–2

God has set us free so we can live free. That means we prioritize God in our life so we can filter out whatever does not serve us to serve Him. As image bearers, we represent Him in how we talk & how we spend our time…especially to our kids! Our nuclear and spiritual families are the laboratories for learning to say yes to God. When we choose to honor our parents, we will begin to understand how to honor & revere God in our beliefs and actions.

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 

1. How is the concept of honor expressed in various cultures? How have I seen or experienced this?

2. How are our nuclear and spiritual families “laboratories" for “learning to say yes to God”?

3. Why is honor important in societies and faith development? Why do kids need to see honor modeled?

4. What are a few practical ways to honor my biological and/or spiritual parents/elders this week?

5. PRAYER: “Father, help us to honor our parents so we can learn what it means to honor you!”