
Trust Issues

October 30, 2022 • Isaiah 43:19, Proverbs 3:5–6

Certain seasons of life can feel like a dry wasteland. Which path are we suppose to take? Thankfully, God prepares us for the path ahead. He is always doing something new if we will trust Him enough to follow Him through the desert. But are we willing to trust Him? Our experience and desires often cause us to trust our own path.

TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.
1. When in my life did i feel like i was in a wilderness experience?
2. Do I consistently seek God’;s will for my life? Why or why not?
3. How have my experiences in life contributed to my ability to trust God? What do i need to unlearn?
4. Are the gifts God gives to me become goals or even gods in my life? How can i treasure God more?
5. PRAYER: “Father, help me trust you with my whole heart!”

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Playing Around With Commitment

November 13, 2022 • Ruth 1:16–17

Everybody wants community, but few people are willing to pay the cost of cultivating the kind of community that humanity truly craves…that WE crave. Why? A life giving community comes at a high price. Do we contribute more than we take? That kind of culture begins with a sacrificial commitment to something bigger than each of us so that we CAN reap what we sow.  TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself.  What do I want out of a church community? What is important to me?What comes to my mind when i hear the word, “commitment?”How is commitment tied to the idea of a life giving community? Why does anything worth anything in this world require commitment to thrive?PRAYER: “Father, help me to commit to the things and people that matter in this world!”

Ride or Die

November 6, 2022 • John 12:1–8

Most of us understand that sacrifice is an important part of life. We give up something we love for something or someone we love more. We give because God has ALREADY given! So, when the opportunity arises to give back to Jesus, we discover that God has prepared us for this moment, has changed our hearts, & He will fulfill HIS plan for our gift. TALK ABOUT IT - Questions to GROW through with family, friends, & myself. 1. What sacrifices have I made in my life? What prompted me to give this way? 2. How has God changed my life? How has God made my life better? What is the value of this change? 3. How has God prepared my heart to give to the NOW initiative? What sacrifices am I making? 4. What do I believe God wants to do with Mesa Church? What does He want to do with THE Church? 5. PRAYER: “Father, prepare my heart to give because of all the ways you have made a way for me!”

Anxious For Nothing

October 23, 2022 • Matthew 26:36–44, Isaiah 43:19

We are experiencing a pandemic of anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety isn’t going anywhere. Anxiety is a complex symptom of a myriad of causes. Change can cause anxiety, even good change! Spiritually, when God invites us to partner with him in making all things new, we can experience anxiety in anticipation of the new realities God will bring to pass. So what is the antidote to these emotions?