
Never, Ever Give Up

Mother’s Day 2022

May 8, 2022 • Tara Hansen, Sharon Noble • Galatians 6:7–10

5 Questions to walk through with God and others:

Are you weary?

Have you lost heart about something in your life? Give it to Jesus first!

Is there a Christian family of believers that you share your load with? If not, what do you need to do to find that family?

Is there an area of your life where you need to take responsibility? Ask the Lord to give you the courage to take responsibility!

Think of someone that you can encourage (give courage to) this week. What will you do to encourage them?

PRAYER: Lord, help me to always call out to you, first, when I am weary of my circumstances. I promise to remember that you have created me for community! Help me to share my load with others and support others, especially those in the family of God, as they walk through life!