There is no other gospel.
The vision of Jesus is compelling enough to make real change in the life of a believer.
The Spirit-filled community will delight in giving for the sake of the gospel.
The life in the Spirit is lived in the context of a boisterous and broken community.
The daily work of the believer is to put the flesh to death.
Living in freedom is a genuine struggle for which the people of God need to be prepared.
Not all responses to false teachings are good for the gospel.
God gives his people the means to stand firmly on the gospel and not waver when hardships come.
True freedom comes only when God by his grace removes the bondage of our sin.
Gospel ministry will inevitably involve suffering.
The option between trusting the law and trusting the gospel is the option between living as an orphan or as a son.
Adoption is a privilege of particular grace to the people of God.
God uses the law and our failure in keeping it to drive us to Christ.
The people of God find their hope and foundation in the gospel not the Old Testament law.
The power of redemption gives God's people joy in the blessings of God.