Alliance Youth Twin Cities High School Cultural Immersion/Service Trip

Application Deadline: June 12th

August 18, 8:30am - August 19, 2024 8:30pm

This two day trip will be for high school students (those finishing 9th - 12th grade) to have an opportunity to serve in a variety of ways and gain multi-cultural experience in the Twin Cities.

We will meet at church at 8:30 am and take off by 8:45 to arrive in St Paul at 9:45 am at the Ethiopian Church. Our team will coordinate and plan the kids’ church for the Ethiopian service that day and will also participate in an Ethiopian worship service. Following church in the morning we will go to the Somali Mall in Minneapolis and get lunch. That afternoon we will have a small break before participating in Mosaic Alliance church service in the basement of the Ethiopian Church back in St Paul. There we will eat dinner with the church and then head to North Central for sleep.

The next morning on Monday the 19th we will return to the St Paul neighborhood and prayer walk for an hour before heading over to the Hmong Agape Gardens to help with their gardens. For lunch we will go to the Hmong Village and purchase lunch there. That evening we will help out with park ministries at Mosaic Alliance Church and then help with their community night. We will be back at Menomonie Alliance Church by 8:30 pm.

Cost: $35 required with application. (Students should also bring $30 total for Sunday lunch and Monday lunch). If students would like to buy souvenirs at Hmong Village, they should bring

some extra cash.

MODESTY: For the Ethiopian Church experience and the Somali Mall experience long pants are required for both girls and guys. Guys can wear t-shirts at the Somali Mall, but wear something nicer for Ethiopian Church. Girls must have butt covered (by sweater or long shirt). You can wear a skirt or pants but nothing tight. Your shirt must be up at the neck and your arms must be covered for the Somali Mall experience. Wearing a T-shirt with a sweater or cardigan is a good idea.