

Take Courage

Lead Pastor Chris Eatough • Acts 4:1–22

How many times have you heard "the world has gotten worse," or "it's never been so bad" or "I can't imagine raising kids today?" Have things really gotten worse? As Christians, we can say with confidence, No! Pastor Chris Eatough looks in to Acts 4 where Peter and John went before the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the courage they had to display and the confidence they had in Jesus and how we can use that same confidence today.

Leaving 99, Pursuing 1

October 29, 2023 • Ryan Pietryga • Luke 15:1–7

Have you ever lost something and searched for days to find it? Once you did, how much joy did you experience? The same holds true when we were lost and Jesus sought us out, found us and brought us safely home and there was so much joy. So what does it mean to leave the 99 to pursue the 1? Ryan Pietryga preaches on this very topic and how we, as Christians, go from being shepherded, to being the shepherd!

The Good Shepherd

October 22, 2023 • Lead Pastor Chris Eatough • John 10:11–18

Some feel lost. Some feel lonely or irrelevant. But the good shepherd sees all! He sees all your worries, all your cares and he sees you! Pastor Chris Eatough takes a closer look at what it means to shepherd and how important it is.

The Widow's Mite

October 15, 2023 • Luke 20:45–47, Luke 21:1–4, 1 Kings 17:8–16

So many of us give for a variety of reasons. Some give out of abundance and others out of scarcity. Pastor Chris Eatough shows us two examples in scripture where widows gave literally all that they had. It's WHY they gave at such a cost to themselves and their families that really matters. We hope this message is a blessing and encouragement to you.

Cheerful Giver

October 8, 2023 • 2 Corinthians 8:1–11, 2 Corinthians 9:1–8

What does it look like to be a cheerful giver? There are some clear examples in 2 Corinthians of people giving beyond what they thought was even possible. They even did so cheerfully and that is only through the grace of God. Pastor Betsy Rumer expounds upon these examples so that you too, may see what it looks like to be a cheerful giver.

An example set for you

September 24, 2023 • John 13:1–17

Pastor Chris Eatough continued in his sermon series S.O.S. focusing on Service and specifically in John 13 where Jesus set an example for all of us.

Pick Up Your Cross

September 17, 2023

Pastor Chris Eatough continues in his Sermon series S.O.S. focusing on serving. This week's message provides insight on what it really means to pick up your cross.

S.O.S. Sermon Series

September 10, 2023 • Lead Pastor Chris Eatough

Pastor Chris Eatough begins his sermon series S.O.S.