
Overlooked No More!

June 7, 2020 • Pastor Billy Calderwood

Our nation is facing head on the ongoing effects of the sins of racism. The Holy Spirit wants to empower his church to be an agent of justice, hope, and healing in our world. In Acts 6, the early church has to carry the power of Pentecost into the problems of the present world as they confront the challenges of racism and inequity in their own midst. What questions can this powerful passage teach us to ask ourselves as we seek to follow the guidance of the Spirit in our own time?

One God, Many Nations

June 14, 2020 • Pastor Arman Davtyan

From the beginning of creation to the end of Revelation we see all the nations, tribes, languages, and races have a special place in the heart of God and in His word he has commanded us to consider each other better than ourselves. If we practice the Word of God in our lives we will become a great example to the world and lead the way in these hard times.

Lord, Open our Eyes!

May 31, 2020 • Pastor Billy Calderwood

"We find ourselves in the midst of a national crisis in addition to a global pandemic. Even so, God is powerfully working in ways we have not expected. Now is the time for our eyes to be opened. Now is the time for our perspectives to be challenged. Now is the time for us to give up our way for God's way. Now is the time for authentic humility. Now is the time we must be sent with God's creative, miracle working power as agents of justice and peace."