
Can You See Me In The Dark?

July 24, 2022 • T.D. Davis

What would it look like to just be Jesus’ "secret admirer"? Nicodemus is an interesting character we see emerge in relationship to Jesus exclusively in John’s Gospel. As a member of the Sanhedrin, an elite religious group, he approaches Jesus in the night attempting to reconcile his status as a privileged cultural beneficiary while taking an interest in this new innovative prophet. What follows is a vision from Jesus beyond simple intellect into a new commitment that informs every area of life.

More from Either/Or

Exam Results

August 28, 2022 • T.D. Davis

Jesus’ declaration of “I never knew you” in Matthew 7 can evoke a sense of insecurity around our faith and "right standing" with God if not examined with careful thought and reflection. Followers of Jesus should always stand firm on the promises of God and the assurance of His work on the cross but also wrestle with the reality that Jesus uses specific language that “many” will think they are His followers to only find out they are in fact, just "secret admirers". In this message, we conclude our series “Either/Or” by giving space for our own personal examination of faith up against Jesus’ priority of intimate and authentic relationship — to know and be known by Him.

Energy Supply

August 21, 2022

Where does our energy come from? In Acts 1, the resurrected Jesus sends His Church on an ambitious mission to impact the world that (from a human perspective) sounds exhausting due to the realistic energy required. As a “so called” secret admirer of Jesus, expending energy that fuels praise and adoration eventually expires because all healthy relationship is energized by reciprocal authenticity and intimacy. In this message, we explore the role the Holy Spirit plays in energizing our faith not only "in us", but "upon us” to impact a world in which God loves.

Don't Get Churchy

August 14, 2022 • T.D. Davis

Like any complex tension in life, having an authentic relationship with Jesus and engaging in religious practices can so easily become imbalanced. The religious elites within the Sanhedrin during Jesus’ ministry represented the epitome of such an imbalance that we could assume was originally born out of a noble cause to live obedient to God. In this message, we explore Matthew 23 and Jesus’ seven “woes” and rebukes which can so easily translate to the current temptation and exhaustion for us to become “churchy” people rather than Jesus people.