
Limits, AKA, "I Can't Do That"

May 29, 2022 • T.D. Davis

The inevitability of life change is a reminder that we are humans defined within limits. But how do we intentionally respond and process these limits? Through the example of the life of Job, we see a helpful framework of processing through the grief and loss of change resulting in a transformed spirituality. In this first message of the series “The Inner Life", we explore the potential found in the limiting yet liberating phrase: “I can’t do that”.

Unconscious Competence

June 19, 2022 • T.D. Davis

A “Rule Of Life” represents an ancient way of ordering your day to day life in connection with God that dates back as early as the 3rd century through contemplative pioneers known as the “Desert Fathers”. Although we can often become impressed and moved by these types of “monastic vows”, the difficulty often resolves in our more modern contextual question of: How? How in our current rhythms and realities, can we practically develop a habitual “Rule Of Life”? In this final message of “The Inner Life”, we explore the framework of breathing as a paralleled "unconscious competence" when it comes to healthy and sustainable spirituality in regards to the lived priorities of Jesus.

In & Through

June 12, 2022 • T.D. Davis

Jesus’ contemplative rhythms always resulted in time spent with people. In fact, a mis-link of loving God resulting in not loving people is the epitome of the religious system Jesus came to confront and tear down. So how do we faithfully engage the Christian life by actually loving people well? In Part 3 of “The Inner Life”, we look at the complications of relationships and how the things that God is doing in us, should inevitably practically reflect in what He does through us.

Two Essential Rhythms

June 5, 2022 • T.D. Davis

Are all spiritual disciplines created equal? Often our bias to spiritual formation includes learning activities that instill doing “for God” rather than simply being “with God”. This perspective then reframes the question more clearly: Are there more advantageous spiritual disciplines that cultivate “being with" God rather than a posture of “doing for” God? In Part 2 of the message series “The Inner Life", we investigate two essential rhythms that answer “yes” to this important question of spiritual maturity.