
The Soul Requires Care

July 9, 2023 • T.D. Davis

What is the soul and why should we even care about it? In a practically driven society, sometimes we can unknowingly value the tangible over things that are hidden or unseen. Soul Care represents caring for the things beneath the surface of our lives that Jesus consistently prioritizes during His time on earth. In this new message series, T.D. (co-lead pastor) introduces us to the idea of “soul care” alongside our Series Big Idea: "Simply put, our ‘soul' is the essence of who we truly are, which requires intentional nurturing alongside Jesus so that we can actively engage healing and wholeness this side of heaven.

Two Sides Of The Same Soul

August 27, 2023 • T.D. Davis

We believe in a bodily resurrection. At first glance this statement seems obvious in regards to the Christian faith, yet the work of the church in the world can often evoke a sense of non-physical emphasis through "spiritual work” and the “saving of souls”. It’s easy to imagine the repercussions of a body without a soul, but what about a soul without a body? In this message, T.D. Davis (co-lead pastor) walks us through God’s relationship to the human body and the practical implications this has for an ongoing journey of Soul Care.

Compassion or Contempt

August 20, 2023 • Kalli Davis

Cynicism is a reality we all encounter as we live in this world. This too was shared by those in scriptures, as we see in Ecclesiastes. However, we can allow this to grow our compassion for the world or lead us towards contempt for the other. In this message we discuss ways in which we can live with eyes wide open and still remain soft hearted towards the brokenness we see.

God Loves A Hot Mess

August 13, 2023 • T.D. Davis

In spiritual terms, people have often used the language that we have a “true self” as well as an “adapted self”, or what the early church leader Paul describes in Ephesians 4 as the “new man” and the “old man". As we often chaotically flow between the old and the new in our lives we can collectively admit — We’re all a hot mess! In this message, we explore the freedom to be who we truly are at a soul-deep level, while being embraced by God’s love in the midst of our complexity and shortcomings.