
Top 10 Most Watched Sermons

1. Relationships that Work - "Forgive as You Have Been Forgiven"

April 8, 2018

Appreciating my limitless forgiveness in Jesus enables me to extend limitless forgiveness

2. Nehemiah: Rebuilding What is Broken - "Facing the Ruins"

January 4, 2018

Spiritual rebuilding requires honestly facing the wreckage in my life

3. Relationships that Work: "Commitment - Especially When It's Hard"

May 13, 2018

For your relationships to work, you must work at staying committed to them; especially when it’s hardest.

4. Politics in Perspective: "God is Sovereign Over Government"

September 20, 2020

Foundational to having the right perspective on government is knowing that God wisely rules over it all.

5. Relationships that Work - "Honesty, Trust is Necessary"

May 6, 2018

For relationships to be healthy, trust must be present. And for trust to be present, honesty must be consistent.

6. Nehemiah: Rebuilding What is Broken - "Rebuilding through Selfishness"

February 4, 2018

Spiritual building requires addressing my selfishness

7. Luke: Authentic Jesus - "Reversing Norms"

February 17, 2019

I can trust Jesus because His Word has power to reverse norms.

8. Luke: Authentic Jesus - "God Does What He Says"

August 26, 2018

Because God fulfills His promises I can believe all He says.

9. Luke: Authentic Jesus - "God Works in the Waiting"

August 12, 2018

I can wait on God because He’s always working out His wise plan

10. Politics in Perspective - "Hot Topic: Racism"

October 11, 2020

The gospel of Jesus requires and compels us to bring healing to racial injustice in our nation.