
Part 1: Why Do You Trust the Bible?

Various Texts

September 21, 2014

Why do Christians trust the Bible? Why do they believe God wrote it? Hasn't it been translated so many times that you can't know what you have is what was originally written?

Part 5: What Do Christians Really Believe About Homosexuality?

October 19, 2014

Homosexuality is a hotly debated topic in America. What do Christians believe about this topic?

Part 4: Why Would a Good God Allow Evil & Suffering?

October 12, 2014

Evil and suffering are everywhere in the world. How could a good, all-powerful God allow them to exist?

Part 3: What About All the Other Religions?

October 5, 2014

Because of our global society - more than ever, people are asking what is the real difference between Christianity and any other religion. Don't all religions basically teach the same thing? Aren't all religions just different paths to the same God? How could you be so narrow-minded as to think that Christianity is the only true religion? This sermon gives a biblical response to these types of questions.