Having Done All to Stand, Stand Therefore

November 10, 2024 • Bishop Rick D Brackett • Ephesians 6:10–14

In 1938, November 11th became a legal holiday called, "Armistice Day". It was a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I after an agreement was signed to end the war. But in 1954, “Armistice Day” became “Veteran’s Day” to honor American veterans of all wars. So many lives have been impacted by war.

It’s always heart breaking to see flag draped coffins and distraught and grief-stricken family members of fallen soldiers. We long for the day when the wicked shall cease their troubling and the weary shall be at rest.

But that day will not come until the Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, rules and reigns on this earth.

Today we recognize and honor all our veterans; they deserve both recognition and honor as well as our gratitude.