Sunday Service (8.16.2020)
August 16, 2020 • Rev. Insung Kim
Call to Worship
P: Though we come from different circumstances
A: The Lord will make us one in worship.
P: Though we have traveled different paths of struggles and successes
A: The Lord will make us one in healing.
P: Though each one of us has struggles and strife, as well as joy
A: The Lord will make us one in hope.
P: Come, let us worship God who is always with us.
A: Lord, be with us today as we listen for your words of hope. AMEN
Opening Hymn: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (UMH #66)
Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, You save and sustain us. What marvelous good news You give us through Jesus! Yet we are oblivious to opportunities to share Your grace and love. We fail to see, as Your Word says, “The fields are ripe for harvesting.” Forgive us for our reluctance and our lack of vision. Open our eyes to Your reality: That our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors here at home and around the world need Jesus. Then give us the courage and the opportunity to tell them about You and to trust You for the results. In Jesus’ Name, we pray Amen.
Sharing Our Joys and Concerns
Shout to the Lord
*10,000 Reasons
Scripture Reading: (Genesis 50:14-20)
Children’s Sharing Time
Sermon: "#4. Individualist"
Offering: “I Offer My Life”
Closing Hymn: It Is Well With My Soul (UMH #377)