
Holy Communion

What about Holy Communion?

For various reasons, not everyone receives. It's meant for all, and toward that goal, the Bible talks about a preparation which involves head and heart. So please call ahead and talk with the Pastor before receiving this

holy Sacrament. If there wasn't time, here's the short version:

➢ We welcome all people for worship.

➢ We welcome you for a blessing at the altar if you feel this need.

➢ If you are already a confirmed member of Martini Lutheran Church or of one of our congregations of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod, then we welcome you as properly prepared for Holy Communion.

On a given Communion Sunday, you'll see some people meditating, singing, or praying at their seat; some at the
altar for a blessing; and some receiving Holy Communion.
Holy Communion is celebrated in worship on the first Sunday of every month.