Situated among the Baltimore rowhouses, walking distance from the Inner Harbor, Martini [Latin word meaning, ["of Martin"] Lutheran Church has preached the Gospel and served in the neighborhood for nearly 150 years . Our affiliation with the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod ( extends our preaching and service to others world-wide.
We gather -- neighbors and commuters -- to hear a message which may be reassuring or provocative, but always true to Scripture. We seek the Savior who came to offer Himself for the forgiveness of our sins, that we might, in turn, show mercy to others in His Name. We preach a strong Law, and a sweet Gospel. We want all to enjoy a believing, baptized life with God through repentance and forgiveness -- a relationship only He can create.
Then, whether in worship and fellowship on Sunday, or learning in weekly Bible Study, or going into the world to serve near or far, we, our homes, daily work, friendships, citizenship, and all of life become richer, more purposeful, and a way to walk with and glorify God.
We hope you'll come for a visit.
About Martini Lutheran Church