
Top 30 - #3 - Will We Still Be Married To Our Spouse In Heaven?

Ask Dr. Betters

Dr. Chuck F. Betters

In honor of MARKINC's 30th Anniversary, we are bringing to you the top 30 questions in Ask Dr. Betters! Here is question #3. In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "My husband passed away 2 months ago. I lost him to kidney failure. We used to have many fights over money matter. He was gullible and got influenced by peoples talk. People used him to get business. He was a project manager. I loved him like crazy, I did everything to make him happy. He was very handsome and humorous. I am average in looks. Two days before he passed I saw he was feeling weak. I insisted we go to the doctor but he said “I am fine”. I feel I should have not listened to him. My only wish now is to meet him again in the same relationship and have a peaceful happy life with him. Is it possible. Will he wait for me? He used to tell our daughter take care of your mom, I could never give her happiness. For me he just being by my side was enough. We were married for 24 years. We only lived as man and wife for 6 years. After that he started falling sick and complication in his health arose but I still loved him. I did everything that made him happy, went to a job, took tutions, everything. Will I meet him? Because if I am to come back again I want to spend my life with him. Please help a painful soul."