
Do You See What I See

Part 1 | The Wisemen

December 6, 2015 • Pastor Dean Orrell

It’s interesting how a bunch of people can look at the same thing but have different opinions. It happens with the Christmas story all the time. Some people see it as a nice clean family friendly story. Others look at it and laugh or ignore it out right because it seems irrelevant to their life. Still others view it as a story filled with hope, joy and peace. The truth is the Christmas story is full of messiness, intrigue and pain. It is a battle between good and evil that points to a day that will fill people with, joy, hope and peace. It’s when you understand it in all of its context is the moment you see what God sees.

Join us this Christmas season as we look at the Christmas story through the eyes of three characters. The Wise men, King Herod and the Shepherds. Their perspectives may give you a clearer focus on the life changing message of Christmas.

Christmas Eve Services 3:30pm, 5:15pm & 7pm