
Why Do I Exist?

January 5, 2020

Why Do I Exist? (2427)
God has a wonderful purpose for your life. No matter what else you may do, if you don’t fulfill the purpose for which you exist, you will fail, and never find fulfillment in your heart or your life.

####Sermon Overview
Scripture Reference: Psalm 139

God has a wonderful purpose for your life. No matter what else you may do, if you don’t fulfill the purpose for which you exist, you will fail, and never find fulfillment in your heart or your life.

Failure is not making a mistake, it is succeeding at the wrong thing. True success is doing what God created you to do.

A lot of us think God’s purpose for our lives is to save us from our sins, but that is only half of the equation. It is just as important to know also what He has saved us for.

We can only find the answer in God’s Word because what we think of God has so much to do with what we think of ourselves.

Adrian Rogers says, “If you see yourself as the creation of Almighty God with a purpose, then you’re going to want to be Christ-like.”

There are a few things to consider when discovering our purpose, and these things are found in Psalm 139:

- God knows all about me.
- God knows my character.
- God knows my conduct.
- God knows my inner thoughts.
- God knows my conversations.
- And God is always with me.

How foolish to try to run from God? He is closer than our very breath! Neither distance nor darkness can hide us from God. Even death cannot hide us from His sight.

We are constantly on God’s heart. Do you want to know how great God’s sum is of His thoughts of you? Psalm 139:18 says, “If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.”

If you believe this, there is no need to fear. There is no need to dread His guidance and His discipline.

No, there is no need to hide.

God made us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him. We were created to love Him and be loved by Him. That is the purpose, and the only way to know His plans for your life.

####Apply it to your life
Do you love God? Do you serve Him? What direction does your life lean toward when you are in complete fellowship with God? Has He laid anything on your heart? Love Him and fulfill your purpose today through worship, obedience, and service to Him.

The Conquering Christ

June 23, 2024 • Adrian Rogers • Ephesians 1:15–23

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Ephesians 1:15-23 God created man and woman to have dominion and rule over this Earth. Once we understand this, we can claim what was lost by Adam and restored by Jesus, the conquering Christ, the Second Adam. According to Genesis 1:26, God gave dominion on Earth to Adam. But Satan, a fallen angel who became the father of the night, lost the battle in Heaven and hopes to win the battle on Earth. He came to the Garden of Eden as a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to sin; therefore, they turned dominion over to him and became his slaves. God was dethroned in their hearts, and Satan began to reign. But this dominion, legally lost by Adam, was righteously regained by Jesus Christ. Dominion was lost by a man, and it was legally restored by a man: “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22) Satan tried to tempt Jesus to sin as he had tempted Adam (see Luke 4), but Jesus defeated Him by the Word of God. Adrian Rogers says, “The first Adam lost it all in a garden; the last Adam won it all back in the wilderness.” The second battle began at Calvary. When Jesus died and was buried, the devil believed he had won. But three days later, Jesus walked out of the grave and brought back dominion that had been lost. Finally, this dominion has been gloriously given to those who believe in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:22-23 says, “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, He raised us up as well. The devil wants to keep us in the dark so that we never see the incredible power we’ve been given. But when we finally recognize it, all of heaven will break loose. Apply it to your life Adrian Rogers says, “The same weapons that belonged to Adam in the Garden of Eden were the weapons that Jesus Christ used in the wilderness.”

The God-Man, Our Mediator

June 16, 2024 • Adrian Rogers • Job 9

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Job 9 Many of us wonder why bad things happen to good people. But the real question is: How can good things happen to bad people? Sin cannot be explained away by weakness or illness; man is a sinner by birth and by practice. We are too sinful to lift ourselves up to God, and He is too holy to lower Himself down to be only a man. The only way a holy God and sinful men can come together is through Jesus, the God-man, our Mediator. Job 9:2 says, “Truly I know it is so, but how can a man be righteous before God?” After experiencing disaster and loss, Job’s three friends came to him, asking the right questions, but giving the wrong answers. The first man, Eliphaz, spoke of a seducing spirit that appeared to him in a dream and gave him a satanic revelation to pass onto Job. (See Job 4:12-17.) Like Eliphaz’s experience, New Ageism, cults, and false doctrine run rampant today, spreading deceit. If we are neutral, we open ourselves up to demonism. The second friend, Bildad, spoke of humanism and sophisticated reason. (See Job 8:10.) He suggested that for Job to understand what he was going through, he needed to study the ancient wisdom and philosophers of the ages. Nowadays, those like Bildad point to the scientists and evolutionists for answers. These empty ideas are not only wrong but also poisonous. Job’s final friend, Zophar, suggested that the answer is legalism. (See Job 11.) Like Zophar, a lot of religious people will turn to sterile ritualism and self-reformation to try to be right with God. But Job recognized his real need for a mediator. He saw his need for Jesus before he even knew his name. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 says, “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time…” Jesus was a qualified mediator: being both God and Man. Adrian Rogers says, “As much a man as if not God at all… as much God as if not a man at all. Not half-God and half-man, but all God and all man, never another like Him, the God-man.” Apply it to your life Have you accepted Jesus, the God-man, our mediator? Do you see your need for Him, and seek Him first in times of need?

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

June 9, 2024 • Adrian Rogers • Luke 15

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: Luke 15 Adrian Rogers says, “A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” In Luke 15, Jesus responds to the Pharisees’ criticism with three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. In these three stories, we see how much God loves us, and why Jesus is a friend of sinners. “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4). Sheep are dumb and defenseless; they are completely dependent on shepherds to protect them from predators. They can't find their way home. In spiritual terms, we are very much like sheep. “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?” (Luke 15:8). A coin is meant to be spent or treasured, but one that is lost is worthless and unprofitable. This coin was lost in darkness, dirt, and disgrace. Likewise, we were created to know, love, and serve God; when we are lost, we are worthless. “...A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood…” (Luke 15:11-12). In this final parable, Jesus begins the story of the lost son. After he received his inheritance and squandered it, there was a deep depression in the land. As a result, the son was broke; he was degraded to feed pigs in a foreign country, which brought great dissatisfaction. Like this lost son, we’ve gone astray and find ourselves desperate and spiritually starving. These parables not only explain the sinful nature of Man, but they also reveal the saving nature of God. Jesus Christ is the shepherd who rescues the lost sheep. The woman searching for her lost coin represents the Holy Spirit. God our Father is the father running to receive his prodigal son. God loves us; He is the Good Shepherd seeking us. He is the Holy Spirit shining light upon us. And He is the Father with arms open wide, welcoming us home. Apply it to your life Have you been rescued, revealed, and received by God? Worship God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit today. Let Him begin a good work in your heart.