
Why the Cross?

Featured Video

April 15, 2022 • Adrian Rogers

This 43-minute video presentation was filmed during a small-group Bible study before Pastor Rogers went to be with the Lord. We aired it for the first time last year.

The cross is at the center of all Christianity. And as I reflect upon it, I remember a painting I saw one time of the Lord Jesus Christ. He looks to be about 15 years of age and is standing in a doorway of a carpenter’s shop. The sun is setting. The wood shavings are scattered across the floor. And you can see the carpenter tools in the background. It appears to be the end of a hard day and this young Lad, who would one day die upon a cross, is stretching and yawning. And on the back wall, you can see the boy’s shadow in the shape of a cross. Jesus lived in the shadow of the cross. He knew from His youth that He was born to die. And die He did—for all of mankind to be saved. How do I respond when people ask, “Why the cross?”

I turn to 1 Peter 3:18 which says: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.

There’s enough gospel dynamite in that one verse to blow the top off the question, “Why the cross?” We needed a Savior to pay the penalty of our sin before a holy and awesome God. That’s why there is a cross.

Four Lies that Ruined the World

April 24, 2023 • Adrian Rogers

Sermon Overview Scripture Reference: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis+3&version=nkjv Satan wants to bring death to our happiness, joy and purity, and he accomplishes this through lies. Genesis 3:1 says, “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field…” Satan cleverly crafts subtle lies about the biggest truths. We see this exemplified in his confrontation with Eve in the Garden of Eden, when he told her four lies that ruined the world. 1. “God is not loving.” Satan’s first tactic was to convince Eve to think negatively about God. The devil wants us to think God is straight-laced and cruel, and that our relationship with Him would be filled with “don’t!” But Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the LORD, and he will give thee the desires of thine heart.” God does not take away joy; He gives it. 2. “God is not truthful.” The devil’s second tactic was to get Eve to think skeptically about God. When Satan removes the truth of God’s Word, then he slips in other ideas to replace them. Many other religions, spiritual practices and New Age thoughts are simply substitutes from the enemy to divert us from the truth. 3. “God is not righteous.” Satan’s next tactic is to make us think lightly of God. But God is holy, and He will punish sin. The Ten Commandments are not advice; they’re law. 4. “God is not gracious.” Finally, Satan will try to convince us to think suspiciously of God. Scripture says that God had a wonderful plan for Adam and Eve. Many people think serving God cramps their style. Yet, the devil, who promises total freedom, keeps his victims in bondage. All the problems in the world today are rooted in these four ancient lies. How can we overcome them? Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Adrian Rogers explains, “On the cross, Satan’s back was broken, and through the blood of the Lamb every lie that you believe can be forgiven. You can see through the lenses of the cross what the real truth is.” Only when we commit ourselves to the written word of God, can we overcome the devil’s lies. Apply it to your life Have you accepted Calvary’s conquest in your life? Have you committed yourself to God’s word so that you may overcome the devil’s lies?

A Salute to our Veterans

November 11, 2021 • Russell O’Quinn

We are proud to salute our veterans. We are thankful for your service to our nation and for preserving our right to worship God freely. Russell O’Quinn, an Air Force veteran, was a world-renowned test pilot. His story is riveting, reading almost like fiction, but it is true. Hear how God changed his rebellious heart and profoundly transformed his life.