
Friday - Week 2

Built to Last

December 4, 2020 • Lyli

My husband sat on the living room floor with my grandson and a pile of large building blocks. Our little man was trying to build a tower, but it kept falling over. He let out a groan of frustration, knocked over his work, and started to cry.

I sat on the couch and quietly prayed as my husband gently explained that he would need a stronger foundation if he wanted to build something that would remain standing. That’s when the Holy Spirit nudged my stubborn heart. Sometimes I try to erect my own projects, and I fail to let the Lord have His way.

David wanted to build a house for the Lord, but God had bigger plans. God always has bigger plans than we can ask, think, or imagine. It’s so incredibly hard to let go of the building pieces and trust Him with everything. God promised to bless David. He would have a great name, a beautiful inheritance, and a lasting dynasty of descendants. God called Israel His people and promised to father them forever. But none of it transpired like David thought it would take place.

Friend, has your life turned out a little differently than you imagined? Are you holding a bunch of pieces wondering how God is going to make anything beautiful again?

God always restores and redeems.

David’s dynasty lasted forever. A babe was born in Bethlehem, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father right now, interceding on your behalf. Jesus is the King of Kings, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Root from the stem of Jesse.

Wherever we stand today, we can trust our God is sovereign. His words always prove true. His promises never fail. His favor will follow us all the days of our lives, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Friend, the next time feel frustrated and want to cry your eyes out because you can’t fix things, remember these truths:

God has seen you through every season. He has never left you alone to figure it out.
God is presently at work in your situation. He has a plan.
God will establish you if you trust Him and make Him your foundation.
God has prepared an eternal home for you, and one day He will receive you with open arms.

My sisters, let’s pick ourselves up off the floor and praise Him. He is faithful. Nothing can topple over God’s plan for our lives. His glorious design for us is built to last, and He will reign forevermore.
