
But God

John 6

September 1, 2019 • Pastor Mike O'Connell Jr

In John 6 we read about the miracle of Jesus feeding 5000 men (probably 20,000 or more total). This account is in all four Gospels and we know from the different account that the disciples approached Jesus with a suggestion...send the people away so they could eat.

Jesus response...”You feed them.”

Here enters in the dilemma...how in the world are they supposed to feed 20,000 people on such short notice? In a lot of ways in our lives we face what seems like impossible situations like this one...

We can choose to bring God our “not enough” and watch how over time our “not enough” turns into more than enough in the hands of Jesus.

What is he calling us to give to him?

Andrew realizes all they have to give to Jesus is a little boys lunch (5 loaves and 2 fish)

And what are the disciples perspectives?

“But all we have” Matt 14
“But we have only” Luke 9
“But what good is that” John 6

Doesn’t that sound a lot like the BUT in our current circumstances...

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