
Second Chance


September 13, 2020 • Pastor Todd Doxzon

Be honest - Have you ever needed to ask for a second chance? In that moment, did you humble yourself and ask for forgiveness or did you instead allow pride to take over causing you to hide in guilt and shame?

Pastor Todd shares three key take aways within Philemon 1, where Paul writes to Philemon regarding second chances.

1. Refresh : “Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.” 1:7

2. Request: “That is why I am boldly asking a favor of you. I could demand it in the name of Christ because it is the right thing for you to do.” 1:8

3. Repay: “If he has wronged you in any way or owes you anything, charge it to me.” 1:18

Our debts have been paid in full with Jesus on the cross! We are called to repay others with that very same grace!

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