
Protect The Rock! | Pastor Todd Doxzon | Jude


November 8, 2021 • Pastor Todd Doxzon • Jude

As believers, it is important for us to have a vision of God's plans for our lives.  It is equally important that we cling to our faith so that we don't "fumble the ball".  In Protect The Rock, Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from the book of Jude and gives us four key things to consider as we allow God to be the quarterback in our lives. 1) God's grace is for mistakes and does not give us a license to sin. 2) The greatest leaders are also the greatest followers; leaders need to understand humility before they claim authority. 3) The people in our sphere of influence should be able to see the fruit of God's Spirit in our lives. 4) There is a lot of division in today's culture and it is important for us to be a healing balm, rather than allow our pride to continue to cause division.  We pray you are encouraged by this message!