
Purposing Pain

2 Corinthians 1:3-11

April 26, 2020 • Pastor Todd Doxzon

Pain is inevitable! We have all endured painful situations and will most likely face pain in the future. Most of us tend to pout over the pain rather than purposing it

Pastor Todd reminds us God is our ultimate comforter in times of pain. As believers, we are called to channel God’s love to help comfort others. Sharing in suffering allows us to RELATE to one another giving us the ability to also share in the comfort.

During times of pain, who do you turn to? Most of us allow our pride to get in the way and believe our own strength will get us through it. But what if we RELIED on God to lift us back up? What if we looked up and gave it to Him - the one who raised Jesus from the dead. He can do all things.

By relying on God - we are allowing him to RESCUE us from our pain! God has rescued us before and he will do it again! God is in the business of miracles - What do you need rescued from right now?

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