
Dollars & Sense


July 10, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

Week two in our series, "Dollars and Sense" has us looking at the incredible gift of giving. The following quote has been credited to St. Francis of Assisi. "For it is in giving that we receive." and "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow (give) love; where there is injury, (give) pardon; where there is doubt, (give) faith; where there is despair, (give) hope; where there is darkness (give) light; and where there is sadness, (give) joy." As out GOD so demonstrated by the giving of HIS only begotten SON....let's learn to give....finding those that are in great need and sacrificially gloving, just as we were taught.

GOS speaks _____ into us.
Wave of ____.
GOD is really good at changing people hearts, if only ______ will ______HIM.
Its not a persons ____ that matters, Its the persons _____that matters most.
Our hearts were not created to be____with____. They were created to be_____with____! Created to have_____for those in need.