
Expedition Messiah

February 26, 2023 • Brian Grubbs

Looking through the Gospel accounts, a person must be amazed at the one we know of as JESUS. HE enters the world as an infant. The King of the Universe comes into this world helpless, a baby.

Soon after we read, "And JESUS grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with GOD and all the people." GOD the FATHER speaks from HIS throne in heaven saying, "This is MY Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased." JESUS lives HIS life, all of it, in accordance with the will of GOD. He changes water to wine, heals the blind and those that could not speak are talking up a storm. HE even removes leprosy completely from the lepers.

All of this, and quite a bit more, before HE is crucified on a very cruel cross to abolish the sins of those that believe HIM and in HIM.

This morning an event that has an amazing way of causing our faith to grow. May that be the case for all of us this morning.