
True Love

October 30, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

Love really is a many splendored thing. It causes a young boy to bring an apple to his first-
grade teacher and with a smile he gently places it on her desk. This kind of love has a mom
holding her teen-aged daughter in her arms because the boy that the mom really didn't like in
the first place, broke her little girl's heart. Love, true love, causes one to go above and
Last week we began to get a picture of the heart and love of JESUS. HIS heart is gentle and
humble according to Matthew 11:28-30. And with that heart and love HE invites us to come to
HIM for rest. There is more of HIS love to learn and apply. Today we will look at three verses
that I hope will be a great encouragement to you. And before we hit the text I want you to
know that ... HE knows!