
An Identity That Leads to Action

2 Corinthians 5-11-21

May 23, 2021

An Identity That Leads to Action 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 My identity in Christ leads me to be an ambassador for Christ. 1. We go because the fear of God compels us (Vv. 11-15) - God's love is big enough for all people - God's love is strong enough for you 2. We go because the grace of God transforms us (Vv. 16-17, 21) - In Christ, God has transformed me inwardly - In Christ, God has reconciled me to Himself - In Christ, God has unified me with others 3. We go because the purpose of God captivates us (Vv. 18-20) - We persuade others with the Gospel - We plead with others with the Gospel Where is God calling me to go? - Into my church? - Into my city? - Across cultures?