
God's Heart for the Nations

November 2, 2022 • Vlad Baraniuk • Psalm 67

November 2, 2022

Wednesday Evening Bible Study


Title: God’s Heart for the Nations

Text: Psalm 67

• God’s desire is to bless His people so that He will be praised by all peoples everywhere

• It is tempting to disconnect God’s purpose from God’s blessings in my life

• Significance in my life is found in devoting myself to a purpose that is larger than my

own life

• God’s gracious purpose is to show His loving and just nature on the cross in order to

redeem a people from every tribe, tongue, language, and nation for the sake of His

ultimate glory in worldwide worship.

• Key texts from the OT:

o Genesis 1:28

o Genesis 3:15

o Genesis 12:1-3

o Exodus 19:5-6

o 2 Samuel 7:12-13

o Psalm 2:8

o Psalm 47

o Psalm 96

o Isaiah 19:21-23

o Isaiah 49:1-6

o Habakkuk 2:14

o Haggai 2:6-7