
2 Kings

May 1, 2024

In this teaching Bro. Derrick covers 2 Kings.

Main Idea: The kings of Israel and Judah were largely disobedient and unfaithful to the covenant of Yahweh. As a result, the destruction of both the northern and southern kingdoms and exile was a result.  

Historical Timeline

Reign of Saul over United Kingdom of Israel – 1020–1000 BC

Reign of David over United Kingdom of Israel – 1000–961 BC

Reign of Solomon over United Kingdom of Israel – 961–922 BC

Fall of Samaria and Northern Kingdom of Israel to Assyria – 722 BC

Fall of Jerusalem and Southern Kingdom of Judah to Babylon – 587 BC

Texts to Consider:

2 Kings 2:1–14

What is this about a “double portion”?

2 Kings 6:24–7:20

From Famine to Feast

2 Kings 17:6–41

The Fall of Samaria in the North

2 Kings 25:1–30

The Fall of Jerusalem in the South 


Dr. Derrick Wilson • Job

Job Main Point: While the book of Job does not answer the question of why bad things happen to good people, it does invite the reader to trust God and His wisdom, regardless of circumstances.  Texts to Consider: Job 1–2 When and where is the book set? What does the text say about Job? Job 7:17–8:7 How would you characterize Job in this passage?  What do you think about Bildad’s advice? Job 13:13–16 How would you characterize Job in this passage? Job 38:1–11 The LORD responds to Job. How would you describe his response? Job 40:3–14 Job responds back. The LORD quickly challenges Job.  Job 42:1–17 How would you characterize Job in this passage?


May 22, 2024 • Dr. Derrick Wilson

Ezra–Nehemiah–Esther Main Point: After the return from exile in Babylon, the Israelite people faced a number of struggles including rebuilding the Temple, living out the demands of Torah, and finding unity in moving forward as a nation.  Main Point (Esther):  Texts to Consider  Ezra 1:1–4 How does this paragraph compare to the last paragraph of 2 Chronicles? What does Jeremiah 29:10 have to do with this?  Ezra 3:8–13 A couple of key characters are introduced and highlighted, what are their names? What does Isaiah 44:28 have to do with this? Ezra 4:1–3, 23–5:2 Rebuild or not? Ezra 7:1–10 Another key character is introduced. What is his name and his primary interest? Ezra 10:1–5 Nehemiah 1:1–3 Nehemiah 8:1–8 Nehemiah 13:1–31


May 15, 2024

Chronicles Main Point: The Chronicler looked back on Israel’s history and looked with anticipation to the coming of Messiah, the future Temple, and the return of the people of God from exile. Texts to Consider 1 Chronicles 2:1–15 David is of crucial importance to the author of Chronicles. Why might that be? 1 Chronicles 9:1–3 When is the book of Chronicles written? Also, the emphasis seems to be on ____________ and _____________. 1 Chronicles 17:1–15 This text sounds familiar, have I read this before? 1 Chronicles 23:1–2 This doesn’t sound familiar, have I read this before? 2 Chronicles 7:11–22 I know I’ve heard part of this before, but what is the context? The listing of kings in Chronicles is a little different than what is found in Kings, why? 2 Chronicles 36:17–23 This is the end of the Hebrew Bible. What might that suggest?