
November 24, 2018 1st Service Replay

November 24, 2018 • Randy Roberts

Prelude: Now Thank We All Our God by Fred Bock | Pastoral Welcome: Shawna Campbell | Hymn of Praise: Be Thou My Vision No. 547 | Prayer: Gilda Roddy | Prayer Response: In the Stillness of This Moment by Sanctuary Choir and Don G. Fontana | Building Highlight: Doug Mace | Children’s Feature: Kristian Leukert | Anthem: Psalm 95 by Sanctuary Choir and Ariel Quintana | Scripture Reading: Proverbs 27: 23-27 TNIV by Homer Mendoza | Sermon: “Tomorrow’s Two Cents’ Worth” Divine Sense & Human Cents (part 3 of 3) Randy Roberts | Tithes and Offerings: Local Church Budget | Offertory: I’d Rather Have Jesus by Lance Hundley, vocal; Jackie Esposo, piano and George Shea | Closing Prayer: Randy Roberts | Postlude: Toccata from Suite Gothique by Leon Boellmann