
November 10, 2018 2nd Service Replay

November 10, 2018 • Randy Roberts

Video Announcements | Prelude: Rejoice, the Lord Is King! by Sanctuary Brass arr. John Lorge | Pastoral Welcome: Darold Retzer | Hymn of Praise: Take My Life and Let It Be No. 330 | Prayer: Miguel Mendez | Musical Praise: Indescribable by Junior Choir Hannah Albis, Faith Albis, Charlize Halim, Alexa Gultom, Leily Khan, Isabel Fabella, solos arr. David Clydesdale | Children’s Feature: Roy Ice | Musical Praise: Swedish Hymn by Sanctuary Brass; Craig Mohr, Trumpet arr. Peter Graham | Baptism: Cody and Ella Bassit by Doug Mace2 | Meditation2 | Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:9-10, TNIV Michael and Cherry Ignacio | Sermon: “God’s Two Cents’ Worth” Divine Sense & Human Cents (part 1 of 3) by Randy Roberts | Tithes and Offerings: Local Church Budget | Offertory: Joy and Peace by Noel Goemanne | Closing Prayer: Randy Roberts | Postlude: Toccata on “Amazing Grace” by Christopher Pardini