
November 17, 2018 1st Service Replay

November 17, 2018 • Randy Roberts

Prelude: Waltz by Sanctuary Orchestra, Ilari Hylkila | Pastoral Welcome: Roy Ice | Thanksgiving Hymn: Now Thank We All Our God | Medley: In All Things Give Him Thanks, I Cannot Tell by Sanctuary Choir, Sanctuary Orchestra, Chorister, and Congregation | Prayer: Tyler Stewart | Prayer Response: Alleluia by Sanctuary Choir Randall Thompson | Anthem: Canticle of Faithfulness by Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, Congregation, and Daniel Bird | Scripture Reading: Proverbs 31:8-9; 22:22-23; 3:27-28; 11:25; 14:21, 31; 19:17; 22:9; 28:27, TNIV by Victor Siagian, Togar Mamora | Sermon: “The Poor’s Two Cents’ Worth” Divine Sense & Human Cents (part 2 of 3) by Randy Roberts | Ministry Feature: UReach Ministry by Aaron Lay | Tithes and Offerings: Local Church Budget | Offertory: Variations on a Shaker Melody by Sanctuary Orchestra, Aaron Copland | Song of Response: Festival Hymn of Thanksgiving by Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, Congregation, and Paul Sjolund | Closing Prayer: Randy Roberts | Postlude: Now Thank We All Our God by Johann Sebastian Bach