
June 8, 2019 2nd Service Replay

June 8, 2019 • Randy Roberts

Video Announcements | Prelude: Adagio Roger Nyquist | Pastoral Welcome: Adrian Pressley, Darold Retzer, and Roger McQuistan | Hymn of Praise: My Hope is Built on Nothing Less No. 522 | Prayer: Filip Milosavljevic | Prayer Response: Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayer by Ariel Quintana Sanctuary Choir | Tithes and Offerings: Local Church Budget | Offertory: Great Is Thy Faithfulness No. 100 | Child Dedication: Luke Maxwell Moses Bathini by Randy Roberts | Special Music: The Lord Is Coming, Are You Ready? The King’s Men: Adrian Pressley, David Dudley, George Sampson, Shane Simmons by Wayne Hooper | Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-17, TNIV by Erna Ramos and René Ramos | Anthem: How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place by Johannes Brahms Sanctuary Choir | Meditation | Sermon: “Tell Your Story Kindly” Witness (part 2 of 3) by Randy Roberts | LLUC Memorial Feature: Emily Pangalila, violin; Kimo Smith, piano | Song of Hope: My Faith Has Found a Resting Place Andre Gretry Adrian Pressley, vocal | Closing Prayer: Dan Matthews | Postlude: Music for Reflection