
March 16, 2019 1st Service Replay

March 16, 2019 • Miguel Mendez

Prelude: Festive Overture by Dimitry Shostakovich, La Sierra University Wind Ensemble | Video Announcements | Pastoral Welcome: Joey Oh | Hymn of Praise: Open My Eyes That I May See No. 326 | Prayer: Gilda Roddy | Child Dedication: Carroll “Cole” McKinley Lawson V by Roy Ice | Building Highlight: Doug Mace | Tithes and Offerings: Local Church Budget | Offertory: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot arr. Steve Rouse, La Sierra University Wind Ensemble | Lambs Offering | Children’s Feature: Shawna Campbell | Special Music: A Childhood Hymn arr. David Holsinger, La Sierra University Wind Ensemble | Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:12-17, TNIV by James R.W McMullen & Perla Ontiveros-McMullen | Sermon: “Monday” Part 2 of 9 The Final Week by Miguel Mendez | Song of Response: Gethsemane by Getty/Townend, Charles Reid, tenor; Larry Karpenko, guitar | Closing Prayer: Miguel Mendez | Postlude: My Jesus, I Love Thee/The Old Rugged Cross arr. Tracey Philips Cooper