
December 22, 2018 1st Service Replay

December 22, 2018 • Randy Roberts

Video Announcements | Prelude: Messiah: Overture by George Frideric Handel, Sanctuary Orchestra | Pastoral Welcome: Darold Retzer | Advent Hymn: O Come, All Ye Faithful No. 132 Sanctuary Orchestra, Choir, Choristers, and Congregation | Anthem: Messiah: And the Glory of the Lord by G.F. Handel Sanctuary, Choir, and Orchestra | Prayer: Joelle Reuer | Anthem: Messiah: For Unto Us a Child Is Born by G.F. Handel, Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra | Tithes and Offerings: Local Church Budget | Offertory: Messiah: Pastoral Symphony by G.F. Handel and Sanctuary Orchestra | Anthem: Messiah: Glory to God in the Highest by G.F. Handel, Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra | Advent Gift: Corona Family | Sermon: “Illicit” 23andJesus (and me!) (part 4 of 5) by Randy Roberts | Song of Response: Messiah: Hallelujah by G.F. Handel, Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra | Closing Prayer: Randy Roberts | Closing Anthem: Messiah: Worthy Is the Lamb by G.F. Handel, Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra