
Eternal Judgement - Session 1

Foundation for Life - Part 9

Pastor Rob Goyette • Hebrews 6:1–3, Luke 19:11–27, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Romans 2:1–2, Matthew 12:41–42

Objective of this lesson - Eternal Judgement

Upon completion of this session you will be able to:

-Define the word "judgment”

-Explain why judgment is a good thing

-Identify who will be judged and when

-Understand the standard by which we all will be judged

-Understand how eternal judgment is related to the time of our future resurrection

-Understand God’s unique judgment for the nation of Israel

Eternal judgment is the last foundational doctrine mentioned in Hebrews 6, as well as the last one to take place in a person's life. Once again, it's important to remember that these six foundational teachings gives us a proper image of who God really is. Though God's nature is best understood through the attribute of mercy, He is without question a God of judgment. Therefore, if we truly want to know Him as He is, we must know Him as God, the just judge of all.