
Reconciliation and Humility

June 16, 2024 • Carlos Orozco • James 4:1–10

In this sermon, Pastor Carlos delves deeply into James 4:1-10, examining the internal causes of quarrels and conflicts within the church, emphasizing the importance of reconciliation, humility, and submission to God. He connects contemporary issues of pursuit and desire with ancient philosophical concepts like hedonism and encourages the congregation to shift their focus from worldly pleasures to spiritual wholeness through God. Pastor Carlos highlights God's grace, the necessity of unity within the church, and the power of humility in resisting the devil and worldly temptations. He ends with a heartfelt prayer for church unity and a celebration of God's paternal love.

05:23 Understanding Quarrels and Passions

07:29 The Concept of Hedonism and Its Impact

13:01 Pursuing Reconciliation Within the Church

20:07 Examining Temptations from the World

22:21 The Bread of Life and Divine Jealousy

23:39 God's Righteous Jealousy and Our Response

24:57 The Importance of the Old Testament

25:53 Submitting to God and Resisting the Devil

27:21 Jesus' Temptation and Our Defense

33:58 Humility and Repentance

40:41 Unity in the Church and Reconciliation

42:00 Final Reflections and Call to Faith

Dethroning Jesus

June 23, 2024 • John Wolfe • James 4:11–12

In this sermon, Pastor John explores two potent verses from James 4:11-12, which caution against speaking evil or passing judgment on others. He emphasizes the profound implications of such actions by connecting them to broader theological principles. The sermon highlights the importance of measuring our judgments against the grace of Christ rather than personal convictions or secular ideologies. Pastor John calls for Christians to live in true community, focusing on reconciliation and restoration rather than condemnation. It's a powerful reminder of the weight our words carry and the importance of embodying the language of the kingdom of heaven. 02:49 The Power of Words and the Tongue 05:03 Do Not Speak Evil Against One Another 10:35 Judging Others and the Law 19:02 The Role of the Christian Community 36:56 Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Fork Stuck in the Road

June 9, 2024 • Mark South • James 3:13–18

This sermon examines James 3:13-18, addressing the characteristics of divine wisdom versus earthly wisdom. Pastor Mark emphasizes the necessity of wisdom from above, which manifests in purity, peaceability, gentleness, and mercy, contrasting it with earthly wisdom driven by jealousy and selfish ambition. The sermon encourages viewers to seek God's wisdom, remain vigilant in their faith, and live a life marked by humble and godly decision-making. It also touches on cultural perspectives of wisdom and the importance of prayer and discernment in making life decisions, urging believers to uphold their faith in every season and situation. 02:20 The Importance of Continuous Spiritual Growth 04:15 Wisdom and Decision Making 07:02 Understanding True Wisdom 12:52 The Meekness of Wisdom 19:25 Earthly Wisdom vs. Godly Wisdom 25:08 Understanding Selfish Ambition 27:21 Earthly Wisdom vs. Spiritual Wisdom 34:01 Characteristics of Godly Wisdom 42:59 The Gift of Wisdom from Above 45:51 The Courage to Pursue Godly Wisdom

Scorched Earth Policy

June 2, 2024 • Mark South • James 3:1–12

Pastor Mark delivers a powerful sermon on James 3, emphasizing the responsibility and potential peril of the tongue. Drawing on vivid metaphors like small rudders steering large ships and bits controlling horses, he illustrates how our words can steer our lives and impact our faith. Pastor Mark reflects on the personal conviction he felt while preparing the sermon and the transformative power of grace through Jesus Christ in taming the tongue. The message calls for conscious speech that aligns with the kingdom of God and encourages believers to be mindful of their words as a true test of their faith and spiritual maturity. 02:49 Introduction 03:20 Faith and Trials 05:48 The Struggle with Words 07:25 Personal Convictions 11:02 Teaching and Accountability 13:39 The Impact of Words 23:04 The Destructive Nature of the Tongue 25:14 The Power of Words: Setting Relationships on Fire 26:18 The Tongue: A World of Unrighteousness 28:24 Fluency in the Language of Hell vs. Heaven 30:26 Peter's Rebuke: Speaking Like a Demon 32:21 Taming the Untamable Tongue 36:08 Blessing and Cursing: The Dual Nature of the Tongue 39:13 The Need for Divine Intervention 42:54 A Personal Anecdote: God's Silliest Goose 45:12 A Prayer for a Tamed Tongue