
"Calling Me Out" Pastor Justin Kenton

May 19, 2024

Pastor Justin talks about how God calls us out into greater glory!


Important Points:

I will ______________________  in the  _________________________!

I will ___________________ as I am called out into the _____________________!

__________________ will be made known through _____________________!

Important Scriptures (NLT version unless stated otherwise):

Matthew 14:22-23

Matthew 14:24-26

Hebrews 6:18-19

Matthew 14:27-29a

Isaiah 41:8-10

Matthew 14:29b-32

“Calling Me Out”

Small Group Questions

1. What kind of storms are you facing today? How can you imagine God getting greater Glory through this?

2. Read Matthew 14:22-26 NLT and discuss; How have you learned to trust God in the stormy gales of life? Share about an experience in your past where God got you through your Gales.

3. Read Hebrews 6:18-19 and Matthew 14:27-29a NLT and discuss; If we know God’s calling us out in the Gales of Glory, how will we respond to the next storm we face? What Gales of glory do you believe He is calling you into right now?

4. Read Isaiah 41:8-10 and Matthew 14:29b-32 NLT and discuss; How can we determine in our hearts to face these Gales differently in the future? What will make you step into the Gales of life and in turn be one of the few that experiences this greater glory?