
📄 Evangelism for Everyone

Equip with Living Rock Church

What is Evangelism?

Simon Rowland

No matter who you are or where you are at…no matter if you have led 20 people to faith in Jesus or never led anyone anywhere!http://...this course is designed to be fun, challenging and very practical. It’s designed to spark fresh faith in the unchanging good news of Jesus Christ to His world. And it’s designed give you a doctrinal background to evangelism – but more than that to enable everyone to be able to share their faith on a one-to-one basis, recognising that God gives us daily opportunity to build relationship-bridges. We will go on a faith-journey together, starting at the beginning – What is evangelism? – and working through to our own practical Personal Action Plans.

Why do we do it?

Simon Rowland

This week we are looking into WHY we do Evangelism. It’s an interesting question and one worth individually considering: WHY DO WE DO EVANGELISM? WHY DO YOU DO EVANGELISM? WHAT MOTIVATES YOU?

How do we do it?

Simon Rowland

OK, so we’ve ploughed and created new friendships and contacts. We’ve put in place some relationship bridges in our small groups, or workplaces, or colleges or in social groups, clubs, societies. We’ve walked across the room and said ‘hello’ to some new people and broken the ice. We have ploughed some new ground for Jesus! It’s now time to sow. It’s time to bring God into the conversation. It’s Good News time! But what on Earth are we going to say about Heaven?! Through much of the course so far we have been in ‘course work’ mode. From today onward we are going to get much more active together, actually trying out some things in the safe environment of this Evangelism Workshop. In small groups and pairs we will start to role play some scenarios which is a very powerful way of learning how we might react and respond to an opportunity to share our faith. Don’t worry – we will have some fun at the same time. Role play can really be a lot of fun. It’s also a tried and tested way for real personal development to take place.