
Rock Solid

Strong foundations for your new life with Jesus


Congratulations on your new life with Jesus! 🎉 We want to help you understand a bit more about the decision you’ve made, and give you some really strong foundations that will help you for the rest of your life. How to take the Rock Solid Course -------------- **Step 1** - Listen to the session audio. Each session is delivered in a conversational-style podcast so you can listen wherever you are **Step 2** - Fill out the Rock Solid Review. Let us know what you got out of the course and any questions you have **Step 3** - Book a follow up. Once you've finished the course we'd love to meet up and have a chat!

God and His Kingdom

☀️ Summary ------------- Our concept of God is one of the most important things about us, affecting our perspectives and beliefs and ultimately – all our big choices in life. God wants us to know Him as He really is! And He wants us to know the joy of living in His Kingdom. 🗓 This week you will ------------- - Gain a better understanding of God’s nature and plan - Understand what we mean by ‘The Kingdom of God’ - Discover how you can enjoy life to the full in God’s Kingdom 🎯 Key Points ------------- - God is good – Our loving heavenly father - God wants us to enjoy a close relationship with Him. - You’ve become a child of God. - Christ is in you – living and present in your life. - The Kingdom of God is his rule and reign – His will being done. - We enter God’s Kingdom when we are born again. - Jesus is Lord and King – reigning over all things. - The Kingdom of God affects every area of our lives. - God’s Kingdom operates on radical principles. We need a new set of values and attitudes. - God’s Kingdom advances powerfully as people and situations submit to his rule. - You have a part to play in extending God’s Kingdom - The full and final expression of God’s Kingdom will be seen when Jesus returns.

Brand New Start

☀️ Summary ------------- Having discovered something about God and His Kingdom, we now ask: “Is it possible to have a personal relationship with him?” Yes it is! God longs to restore mankind to Himself so we can live life the way He’s always intended!.. 🗓 This week you will: ------------- - Understand what sin is and why it separates us from God - Discover how God has acted to remove your sin - Know that you can be born again - Understand the power of the cross to transform your life! 🎯 Key Points ------------- - Sin is a ‘heart-condition’ of independence from God in which ‘I’ am on the throne of my life. - All people are separated from God because of sin, and destined to spend eternity without Him. - The life, death and resurrection of Jesus have completely paid the penalty for sin. - There is no other way that anybody can be saved. - God offers salvation as a free gift to everyone. - We are saved when we repent of our sin and put our total faith and trust in Jesus. - We are saved as we enthrone Jesus as Lord and King in our lives. - Salvation gives us a brand new start – we are ‘born again’. - Embracing the cross means ‘dying to self’ and living for God and for others - We can live every day free from guilt if we confess our sins quickly and sincerely


☀️ Summary -------------- Having looked at how we can be born again and experience a brand new start, we now consider baptism – the next step in out new life with Jesus 🗓 In this week’s studies you will: - Discover the true meaning of baptism - See the biblical pattern of baptism - understand what baptism does and see why it’s such and essential part of your new life with Jesus - Get ready for your own baptism if you haven’t already been baptised 🎯 Key Points ----------------- - Christian Baptism is the total immersion of a believer in water. - Everyone who has repented of their sin and put their faith in Christ should be baptised. - Baptism is for believers only - Baptism is a public declaration of faith in Christ. - Baptism is the outward expression of the inner cleansing that has taken place in our lives - Baptism should happen as soon as possible after we are saved. - Baptism unites us with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection - Baptism has real power to put to death our past sinful nature and to empower and enable us to live a new life for Christ. - Baptism is an essential and integral part of salvation - Baptism is a step of faith and obedience which ‘seals’ our new-found faith

Filled With The Holy Spirit

☀️Summary --------------- Being filled with the Holy Spirit is God’s way of empowering you so you can live the new life He’s given you, and be a fruitful and effective witness to others about Jesus! 🗓This week you will: - Discover that God has promised to fill you with His Holy Spirit - Understand more about what this means - Learn about what the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit - Discover how you can be filled with te Holy Spirit – and stay full! 🎯 Key Points --------------- - The Holy Spirit is a person, and we can develop a close friendship with Him. - Every Christian has the Spirit living inside them. - Being ‘filled’ with the Spirit is something more – a distinct experience. - Being filled with the Spirit gives us the new power we need to live our new life in the new Kingdom. - The Holy Spirit leads and guides us, opens up the Bible to us, and helps us pray. - Being filled with the Spirit opens up the realm of spiritual gifts. - Being filled with the Spirit helps develop Christ-like character in us. - We can be filled with the Spirit when we come to Jesus thirsty, wanting all of Him to fill all of us. - It’s not an optional extra; it’s essential for all Christians. - To stay continually full we must ensure we don’t resist, quench or grieve the Spirit.

Growing Strong

☀️ Summary -------------- Congratulations! You’ve reached the last week of the introduction to your new journey as a Christian! In the days ahead, God wants you to grow strong in your relationship with Him and to enjoy sharing your new life with others in the church 🗓 This week you will: - Discover that true Christianity is a relationship not a religion - Find out how you can know God through the pages of the bible - Learn more about how and why to pray - Understand the importance of playing your part in the life and growth of the church 🎯 Key Points ------------- - Christianity is a dynamic relationship not a dead religion! - You’ve become a child of God – He is your loving Heavenly Father. - God longs to speak to us through the Bible, and daily Bible-reading is essential if we’re to grow strong. - Prayer links us to heaven, and regular prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God! - Church is people (God’s family) and it is our privilege to be part of it! - You have a vital part to play in the life and growth of your church. - God wants us to be ‘givers’ – serving and building others up. - We’ve been saved to be part of God’s mission, reaching out to the world around us. - Being Jesus’s ‘witness’ involves simple actions and heartfelt words. - Father, Son and Spirit are with you and ‘for’ you, committed to helping you grow strong as a Christian!…