
đź“„ Gifts of The Holy Spirit

Equip Course by Living Rock Church


Matthew Ling, Chris Hamer-Hodges

Before we look at any of the gifts of the Spirit, we must first consider the gift of the Spirit himself. He is the ultimate gift from both Jesus and the Father. He is God himself living within us. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead; the same Spirit that hovered over the waters at creation. We are participators of the divine nature. God himself dwells in us!

Knowledge, Wisdom & Healing

Matthew Ling, Chris Hamer-Hodges

This prophecy of Isaiah obviously relates to Jesus, the Anointed One, and points to his intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ is our primary example in the gifts of the Spirit, his anointing is our anointing. And his anointing is in both the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of knowledge. [See also Ephesians 1:17]. So these gifts are an expression of Christ’s anointing. So what are they and what are they for? Both are to do with revelation: the word of wisdom is the manifestation in the mind or on the lips of a believer of divine wisdom. God’s wisdom is higher than human wisdom [see Isaiah 55:9, 1 Corinthians 1:25] and of all together a different kind! The word of knowledge likewise is the impartation of a supernaturally known piece of knowledge to the mind or to the lips of the believer.

Tongues & Interpretation

Matthew Ling, Chris Hamer-Hodges

We will approach these gifts in two parts. Firstly we will look at the gift of tongues as it stands by itself and then we will look at the gifts of tongues and interpretation working together. We will begin by reading 1 Corinthians 14 as our text for this session.


Matthew Ling, Chris Hamer-Hodges

If tongues is the “gateway” gift, then, in a sense, prophecy is the “pinnacle” gift of the Spirit. That is not to say it is more important than others, but it embodies and epitomises God’s purpose of making himself known through his Spirit-filled people.

The Realm & Anointing of The Spirit

Matthew Ling, Chris Hamer-Hodges

In this final section we will be broadening our perspective to consider the realm of the Spirit. What does it mean to be “in the Spirit”; what is the nature of the corporate anointing on the people of God who “in one Spirit were all baptized into one body, and all were made to drink of one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13). We will also be looking at the purpose of this anointing – many people throughout the Scripture received an anointing, and it was always an anointing to…. We will begin by considering what is meant by “in the Spirit”.