
Ready Steady Go

Book by Lisa Graves

Ready: Who is God?

August 18, 2021 • Lisa Graves • 1 John 4:8

In our faith race we are running for God; to live our lives just like Jesus did so we can have a wonderful friendship with God, where He is in charge, and we follow Him.

Ready: Salvation - God's Kingdom

August 18, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Matthew 6:9–10

God wants His Kingdom to be in the heart of every person on the earth. Our choices should be His choices. Our words should be His words. His Kingdom on earth should look like His Kingdom in heaven. That means that deciding who is in charge of our lives is important.

Ready: Baptism in Water - A New Life, A New Future

August 18, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Acts 2:38

Baptism is the first thing Paul teaches us to do after we have repented, and asked Jesus to be king of our lives. Baptism is an outside sign of what God has done to our hearts. Find out more about what baptism is and how Jesus showed us how to live.

Ready: Holy Spirit Fire Power!

August 18, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Acts 2:36–38

When you chose to follow Jesus and were baptised you chose to be part of God’s kingdom and to follow His ways for your future. God doesn’t want you to stop there though, He has a life full of power for you!!

Steady: Dressed for The Day - The Armour of God

August 24, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Ephesians 6:10–18

Every day we have a good stretch as we wake up and get dressed. What we wear depends on what we are going to be doing that day. Did you know God has a whole uniform of protection for you to put on today?!

Steady: Growing strong in God

August 24, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Ephesians 1:4–5

God is a gardener. He made lots of seeds – you and me. He wants us to grow and to be strong. He has planned an exciting life for you if you choose to live His way.

Steady: Prayer as Chatting to God

August 24, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Luke 11:1–10

God loves to hear about anything that matters to us, the funny, the sad, the crazy, the worrying. All of it. Each day God has prepared good things for us, and He is always ready to talk to us and to listen to us so we can know His goodness and love all the time.

Steady: Prayer as Catching from God

August 24, 2021 • Lisa Graves • John 10:27

Did you know that God wants to chat to you ?! Isn’t that awesome! The God who made the universe has things He wants us to know and share with others.

Steady: The Bible Our Mighty Sword

September 8, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Ephesians 6:17

God’s Word, shown to us in the Bible, is like good foundations. It is God’s book written to show us how to live and to help us know God better. Reading the Bible helps you to know the right choices you need to make and the truth you should listen to.

Steady: Heaven on earth

September 8, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Romans 8:11

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you and me!! We can do anything! This is an important thing for us to know. God wants us to live our lives with the same power that Jesus had, knowing that God will answer our prayers and do the same miracles that Jesus did.

Steady: Wonders of worship

September 8, 2021 • Lisa Graves • Psalm 145:3

Worship for us is about choosing to give ourselves to God with all our hearts. It is amazing that He chose us even though we don’t deserve it. He is The King, and we want to show Him how important He is to us.

Steady: Being brave and overcoming fear

January 5, 2022 • Lisa Graves • 1 John 4:18

Fear can stop us doing things that we need to do. We can be afraid of all sorts of things like spiders, the dark, change and new things happening. God takes away our fear because He wants us to know His full love and have freedom to live His way.

Steady: What To do When Things Get Difficult

January 5, 2022 • Lisa Graves • Matthew 8:23–27

Sometimes in our lives there are things that happen that are difficult and uncomfortable. We may be having trouble at school, someone in our family may be sick or we know our grown up might be praying for a difficult situation. These and lots of other things that happen in our lives can feel like a storm. Jesus knew He had the power to stop the wind and the waves. If we ask God, He will calm the storms in our lives too.

Steady: Juicy Fruits

January 5, 2022 • Lisa Graves • Galatians 5:2–23

We are like a fruit tree. Our fruit is the attitudes and behaviours we show and do that reveal what is in our heart. As Christians with the Holy Spirit showing us what to do, we can live differently to others around us such as being calm and peaceful when others would get angry and by loving people no one else wants to love.

Go: Are You Ready to Run?

February 22, 2022 • Lisa Graves • Hebrews 12:1–2

Jesus is our prize, but He is also our champion. He starts us off on the race, and He keeps us going! We just need to ask him to help, and He will send the Holy Spirit to be our guide to show us the way.